AuthorDanielle McLean

Your Ego is Killing Your Vibe

This episode we dive into the topic of how to make friends with your ego and how it totally kills your vibe and even could be pushing the people you truly need, out of your life. Like most characteristics or behaviors, your ego is also developed in...

Mindfulness Coaching

I am SO happy to announce that I am opening up my 1 : 1 mindfulness coaching for 2 individuals ONLY who are ready to stop living on autopilot, want to tune-in with their emotions and learn how to become more self-aware. If you work with me, you will...

Check On Your Strong Friend

This episode is all about high-functioning anxiety and depression. We all have that one friend that comes to mind, when we think of “the strong one”. The one who is RESILIENT and no matter how many times they get knocked down, they get...

The Relationship You Have with Money

I never realized you could have any kind of relationship with money, let alone a bad one. I didn’t realize how growing up poor, left an everlasting negative impact on the way I view money or wealth or successful in general. More importantly, I...

You Are Not the Standard

How often do you say “well, if that was me, I would __”? How often do you put yourself into someone else’s shoes and cast judgement onto the decisions people make? We all do it. We all get into these patterns of using ourselves as...

Mindfulness Monday The Newsletter