AuthorDanielle McLean

Healing the Motherwound

This week’s episode I interview Michaila Tyson. An expert in assisting those with difficult mother/daughter relationships, Michaila and I discuss how to navigate through those hardships in the relationship such as; labelling your mother a...

The Power of Forgiveness

Short and sweet! This week’s episode is about why we need to forgive those who didn’t say sorry, who didn’t apologize and why it isn’t about them, but it is about US. How do we reach this level of peace and healing? How do we...

How to Regulate your Emotions

This week’s episode is all about to regulate your emotions and what to do when a BIG feeling is coming on. This mindfulness practice teachers us to process, accept, articulate and how to not be reactionary. We also touch on how to have your...

Breathwork Facilitator Hayley Narvarro

BONUS EPISODE! Hayley Narvarro is a podcast host of The Unfiltered Soul as well as a breath work facilitator and level 1&2 Reiki master. In this week’s episode we dive into what breathwork is, how it works and how it can assist you in...

Mindfulness Foundations: Confidence 101

This week’s episode was HIGHLY requested. Everyone wants to learn how to be more confident, how gain more confidence.. but what I am here to tell you is that you already ARE confident. That confidence is already inside of you and in order for...

What it Means to be a Human “Being”

This week’s episode I interview Isidora Camus, certified meditation teacher, who assists and guides individuals and communities on how to use mindfulness as a daily tool to stop living on autopilot, connect with themselves, strengthen their...

Trauma Bonding

TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ domestic violence, childhood trauma, abuse In this week’s episode I dive into the cyclical patterns of trauma bonding. What it is, how it works and who it targets. You will learn about the positive reinforcement abusers use...

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